I attended a prestigious high school, and while I was there I took 7 AP classes, which count for college credit. Then I went to actual college, and it turned out that college was easier than high school! In college you get less homework, and you can sleep in more often. In college you have more freedom to make your own schedule and to focus on the topics you care about. And all the while you're earning a degree that future employers will care about.
If you're going to attend a high school that's actually harder than college, why go to high school at all? Why not enroll in community college at age 14, and get your Bachelor's Degree by the time you turn 18? Or here's another route: At 14, enroll at a community college and take half the normal courseload. Over the course of 4 years, you'll finish two years of work and get an Associate's Degree. If you want a Bachelor's, and if you also want the real "college experience" with dorms and all that, then you can take your community college credits to a "regular" college. Thus, at age 18, you leave home and move to the dorms of your chosen school, and you start taking a full courseload. After two years, you'll have your Bachelor's Degree! You could have a Bachelor's degree at age 20 and you spent much less money on it than everybody else (because you only spent two years at the expensive "real" college, while the earlier part was cheap community college.) Plus you'll be able to tell your future employer that you have a degree from a "real" college, for what it's worth. Plus you still got the college experience of moving out and living in the dorms, and you did that at age 18 just like everyone else. And if you want more of that experience, just stay an extra two years and get your Master's Degree!
Maybe we should just transform our high schools into community colleges. Maybe every class should count for college credit, and there should be a lot more freedom when it comes to picking which classes to take and how to organize your schedule. And there could be less homework and less stress, and the whole thing would be paid for via the government.
Or you could get really revolutionary and attend a Sudbury school. But if you're not willing to go that far, skipping high school is still a step in the right direction.